Thursday, May 17, 2007

Think Wealth

While driving today I noticed something. I found that during my morning and afternoon drives I had been turning off the radio during commercial breaks for several weeks now. I also noticed where my mind would wander during this time.

What I found was that during each commercial break from the radio (usually ESPN radio) my mind would focus on its own to ideas for building wealth and related topics. Several specific and general ideas are allowed to come and go without "trying" to generate anything. The result of this has been my increased energy to maintain several different weblogs and even begin some design and programming of new personal and business websites.

How does this apply to wealth? Energy. It's similar to many ares of behavior and psychology. If I am constantly thinking about negative things in my life, my energy should as a result decline or at least be less successful. Compare that to thinking about wealth in a relaxed, healthy, positive way. Even practicing some imagery of your life when you become wealthy can have a wonderful impact resulting in a feeling of freedom, power, and sense of calm. It's not enough to think of an image of "being debt-free." Why? What takes it's place? There is a difference between thinking positive and negative. Debt-free is a thought about getting rid of something, while focusing on all of the results of a wealthy lifestyle actually fills your mind with positive images. This can lead to greater positive energy and even motivation to begin or continue an endeavor.

Try it!