Affiliate Programs
For some time I was interested in affiliate programs and sales. Indeed this is an area that has grown exponentially over the last 10 years. Affiliate programs or sales can be a great way to market, sell, and even make money for the creator of the product and/or the affiliate marketer.
There are a couple of ways to cash in on being an affiliate marketer:
- Building a list: Smart marketers build their contact list. This can be done in many ways including direct email marketing, website "catch" pages (to catch their interest and email before sending them to your product), writing an interesting blog and more.
- Hook up with the most popular affiliate checkout gateways. Start with these:
- Clickbank
- Commission Junction (Once you get really up and running)
- A great (not good) product or service
- A really good guide to affiliate marketing.
Don't get fooled into buying into just any affiliate product. It must be legitimate. Honestly, I have tried (sadly) probably over 60 products or services that underdelivered and underperformed. Also, PAY ATTENTION to these "gaurantees" that are offered out there. Most of them aren't worth a pile of s*it! I have requested refund over 30 times and not even received a response email from the "company." Be careful.
There are well intentioned, good products and services out there. I can only steer you to the ones I feel confident about. If you don't like them and find some affiliate programs that work better, please let me know in the comments here. I am happy to review them.
Right now my top programs can be found HERE. They typically bring in about $1,000 per month for me, but some months are lower, some higher. Anyway, if you feel like experimenting, check them out.
Don't forget to sign up at clickbank, you'll need to if you are serious about promoting products. You can find tons of products and services there also to promote from your site.
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